Heartworm Awareness Month Tips for Puppy Owners!

April is Heartworm Awareness Month! Approximately two hundred and fifty thousand dogs are infected each year, according to DVM360. Here’s what you need to know to keep your puppy healthy!

The Puppy Academy student, Freddie!

The Puppy Academy student, Freddie!

As puppy parents, our puppy’s health is a top priority! Many veterinarians recommend starting them off from an early age with proper vaccinations and medication regimens to ensure their long-lasting well-being. Still, there are many puppy owners who aren’t familiar with heartworm or realize that they should be considering a preventive plan for their puppy. 


What is Heartworm?

Heartworm is a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites to dogs and other pets. The larva circulates through the bloodstream and infects the heart, lungs, and arteries of the host. The larva takes up to six months to mature into a full worm and then can live in the host as long as seven years all while producing more offspring!

According to the American Heartworm Society, it is believed that heartworm is prevalent across all fifty states whereas originally it was only considered a concern in southern states. Due to this, now many veterinarians recommend that puppies and dogs all take preventative medication to avoid getting infected.

When Should My Puppy Start Heartworm Medication?

Generally speaking, puppies can start heartworm preventative medication by eight weeks old and will continue to take the medication year-round. The first heartworm test is usually administered anywhere from ages six to eight months and will be done once a year. 

For these types of questions ideally, when you take your puppy for the first official veterinarian visit, your vet will give you a recommended vaccination schedule along with advice on when to start your puppy on other preventative medication. Talk with them about what heartworm preventative to give your puppy, what type (preventative medications come in monthly chews, topical ointment, or injectable shots) the dosage, and a maintenance schedule.

Learn all about what to ask your puppy’s veterinarian on their first visit in our blog!

The Puppy Academy student, Archer!

The Puppy Academy student, Archer!


What are the Effects of Heartworm Disease?

Earlier we mentioned that heartworms not only infect the heart but also the lungs, arteries, and kidneys of the host. Unfortunately, heartworms can cause lasting damage to your puppy’s heart, cause inflammation of the lungs and blood vessels, and create proteins that can inflame and damage a pup’s kidneys. If left untreated, a dog with heartworm can have lasting health issues and irreversible damage to their organs which may shorten their lifespan.

Thankfully knowing the facts and starting your puppy on preventative medication can help avoid infection! And, thanks to regular heartworm exams, your veterinarian can detect infection early on and get your puppy started on treatment right away, and get cleared faster!

What are the Other Benefits of Preventative Medication?

Did you know that heartworm preventative medication can also act as a monthly dewormer? That’s right! Some heartworm preventative medication can help against a whole slew of parasites: roundworm, hookworm, fleas, and tapeworm. While there are specific medications for each, your veterinarian can pinpoint which ones, and preventative medication can help keep your puppy safe from all these pesky invaders!

The Puppy Academy student, Hera!

The Puppy Academy student, Hera!

The days are getting hotter and that means, depending on where you live, mosquitoes are coming in force! Arm yourself with the facts, talk with your veterinarians, research which preventative medication is available for your puppy, and help keep them happily romping for days to come with a clean bill of health!

Check out these blogs related to puppy training and more!

Puppy Training 101: Introduction to Heel Training!

Puppy Training 101: Introduction to Walking on Leash!

Puppy Training 101: Teaching Your Puppy Place Command Routines!