Puppy Training 101

Puppy Training 101: Giving Your Puppy Commands -- the RIGHT Way!

Effective communication is crucial for cultivating a strong connection between you and your puppy, enabling them to understand and respond to your instructions. Mastering clear and concise communication ensures consistent and successful teaching of basic obedience commands. Here’s how to consistently convey your commands with clarity and precision, strengthening the bond between you and your new puppy!

The Puppy Academy student: Waylon!

A question we often get from our brand new puppy parents before they get started with puppy training at The Puppy Academy is: "Why doesn’t my puppy listening to me?!” The truth is, it's often not a matter of them ignoring you; rather, it's about clarity in communication, and how they view you. Puppies don't instinctively grasp language nuances; they need guidance that comes from their leader (parent). Overloading commands with excessive words is a common mistake new puppy parents make that confuses them.

But just saying a command, isn’t the same as being clear. You need to engage your puppy so their focus is on you, show them what you want them to do first (you can do this by using a lure which we covered in our previous blog), and say the command to create the association between the behavior and the word. When you first start on the puppy training journey, you’ll repeat a similar formula for each command until your puppy learns each one and can move on to building connections. More to come on that in later blog posts, but first, to help you remember the sequence of how to ask your puppy a command the right way, we developed this step-by-step process that’s easy to remember and follow!



Eye Contact


Marker “Good!” (Reward with food)

Marker “Break!” (Reward with food)

If you haven’t read our previous blog that covers starting your puppy off with the basics, we talk about an effective technique we like to use with our students called “luring” to help gain your puppy’s attention and eye contact. In the beginning phases of your puppy training, you can also use luring as a way to show your puppy what you want them to do! 

Quick Guide on Giving Your Puppy a Command, the RIGHT Way!

Let’s break down what each of the actions in this sequence really means and how you can start to apply them to your puppy training now! 

1. Attention: First thing’s first, start off by gaining your puppy’s attention by calling out their name.

2. Eye Contact: Establish eye contact with them by using a lure with food. To do this: bring the lure up to your pup’s nose so they focus on it, then slowly bring it up to your eyes to draw in their focus!

3. Command: Next, ask the command that you want your puppy to do, for example, “Sit”. For extra direction, use a specific hand signal for the command when you say it, as pups understand body language first!

*Note: at this stage, if your puppy still hasn’t had at least some practice with basic obedience commands, you can continue to use a lure to guide them to perform the command. We’ll cover that in detail in the next section!

4. Marker “Good!”: Once your puppy does the desired command, say the marker word “Good!” and reward them with their food! This helps to reinforce the command and convey that we want them to keep doing what they’re doing!

5. Marker “Break!”: At this point, your puppy has successfully completed what you asked them to do so finish off with “Break!” to release your puppy. 

*Note: For the last point, the goal here really is developing muscle memory, not having your puppy hold the command for a long period of time. 

The Puppy Academy student: Kinsley!

Teaching the Basic Commands: “Sit” and “House”! 

Now that you understand the process of how to give a command, you can start working on the two of the commands you’ll use most on a daily basis: “Sit” and “House” (a.k.a. crate). As we mentioned earlier, you may need to utilize the handy lure technique until your puppy understands the desired behaviors associated with the commands.

For the “Sit” command, it’s common for some puppies to naturally want to sit at your feet if you have a valuable reward in hand. That’s not the case with every puppy though and doesn’t mean that your puppy knows how to sit when you ask them to either. Bring the lure to your puppy’s nose and slowly guide your puppy into a sitting position by bringing the food over their nose and head. This movement encourages your puppy to follow, which will naturally bring their head up, and their hind down! When your puppy sits, say the command “Sit” and you can mark it with “Good!”, then reward them with food! 

Your puppy’s “House” or crate will become part of their daily life, especially during potty training and for their daily puppy schedule. Sometimes though, you might need to encourage your puppy to enter their crate if it’s totally new to them. Train your puppy “House” by applying the luring method again, guiding your puppy into the crate with a piece of food and saying “House” and rewarding them once they enter! You can even give them a few more pieces of food once they are inside the crate to really reinforce the command and to help them feel comfortable in the crate.

If your pup needs some extra motivation to go in, try tossing in a special treat ahead of them to entice them to hop in and get it! For more help with crate training, check out our step-by-step guide to crate training a puppy.

online puppy training

The Puppy Academy students: Beignet and Bear!

7 Tips on Communicating Clearly and Effectively with Your Puppy!

If you’re still having issues getting your puppy’s attention and getting them to listen, take a little time to examine your body language cues and continue to work on the clarity of your communication. The tips below are good to keep in mind when puppy training:

1. Watch Your Tone of Voice

Excited voice = excited puppy! Calm voice = calm puppy. And when it comes to puppy training, keeping calm can help you successfully tackle your puppy training sessions. If your puppy is naturally excitable, keep a calm tone to help your puppy settle down, and keep engaged and focused.

2. Watch Your Energy Level

Confidence helps puppies succeed in puppy training! Remain calm, even if your puppy isn’t at the moment. Let them settle down so you can continue working with your puppy. And remember that your body language speaks volumes. Stand up straight when you are giving commands to establish a leadership role with your puppy and keep their focus on you!

3. Give Your Puppy Time to Respond

Puppies are young and still learning so be patient with them when you are giving them a command. “Sit”, “Come”, and “House” are bizarre words to them still, and they need a little time to process what they might mean. Allow up to three seconds for your puppy to respond to the command.

4. “Sit, Sit, SIT!” Don’t be a Broken Record

If your puppy isn’t responding to the command within a three-second window, don’t fall into the common puppy training mistake of repeating the command over and over until they get it right. All this does is diminish the value and meaning of the commands (and the same goes for their name!) and can lead your puppy to get excited and even tune you out. Instead, repeat the command word again once again in a strong tone, and use the corresponding hand signal and food lure to help guide them as to what you would like them to do.

5. Use Clear Words

“Okay-my-darling-sweet-pup-you-are-such-a-good-boy-now-Siiiiiiit!”  These are all new, strange — and waaaay too many — words and can be very confusing for a new puppy! Your puppy won’t be able to decipher that what you actually want is for them to “Sit”. Use clear, concise single words when you are puppy training to help your puppy learn exactly what you are asking them to do. It will lead to less frustration for your puppy — and you!

6. Leverage is Your Friend

When training, you want to appear to your puppy as the most valuable person and thing in the room, over any other distraction! Your pup’s food is extremely valuable to them, so use it to your advantage by having it on you at all times. (If you don’t have a treat much yet, now’s the time to get one!) You’ll eventually wean them off of getting a reward for every command you ask, but in the beginning, this can provide amazing leverage for you and your puppy will be far more focused and willing to listen knowing you will hand over a delicious reward!

7. Professional Puppy Training Can Make a HUGE Difference

Puppy training is all about building your relationship with your puppy through skills and communication so they learn to respond to you. The beginning few weeks of your puppy’s training will involve consistently showing them the behavior you’re asking them to do, and creating the association between the behavior and commands. It’s easy to become discouraged if your puppy doesn’t get it right away. All puppies are different and some pick up on verbal commands faster than others. But that doesn’t mean your puppy is untrainable!

Working with professional puppy trainers who can give you a plan to follow and tweak training to your puppy’s needs when needed, can get you and your puppy communicating faster than trying to work through it on your own. This is what we help all our clients with in our puppy training school The Puppy Academy and in our Online School! For a simple puppy training program you can easily follow from anywhere with guaranteed results, check out The Puppy Academy Online School:

Have more questions about training your new puppy? Ask our trainers LIVE every Wednesday at 1 pm Pacific Time on our Instagram @thepuppyacademy and TikTok @thepuppyacademy during the Ask A Puppy Trainer Show! All replays are posted afterward, and you can catch up on our last ones on our YouTube channel!

Become a Puppy Academy VIP (Very Important Puppy) to get our latest puppy training tips direct to your inbox, for free, each week!

Check out these blogs related to puppy training and more!  

Puppy Training 101: Start Your Puppy with the Basics!

Puppy Training 101: How to Establish Leadership with Your Puppy!

Why Puppy Training is so Important!

Puppy Training 101: Starting Your Puppy with the Basics!

Puppy training is a journey and it starts with taking the right first step! These activities will pave the path for successfully training your puppy in their basic obedience commands and life-long good manners!

Students Becky, George, and their puppy Wally from The Puppy Academy Online School!

The Puppy Academy Online School students: Becky, George, and their puppy Wally!

What are the “Basics” in Puppy Training?

Puppy training is all about building new skills in your puppy. The basics cover simple activities you can start practicing with your puppy to gain their focus, build your relationship, and start to establish clear lines of communication.

Communication is key when it comes to puppy training! Your body language and movements, tone of voice, eye contact -- all of these elements are communicating something to your pup!

In both The Puppy Academy and The Puppy Academy Online School, we love beginning to work on building communication by using a pup’s natural drive for food and play, eagerness to learn, plus their curiosity, to your advantage. Here’s how we introduce training to all our new pups!

Start with “Luring”!

“Luring” with The Puppy Academy student: Van!

Luring practice takes your pup’s natural drive and uses it to instill muscle memory and follower mode into your puppy. During your training session with your puppy, take a piece of their food, and bring it to your puppy’s nose so they become aware of what’s in your hand. When you gain your pup’s attention, you can begin to move your hand away and “lure” them to follow you. 

The main objective of this activity is to gain your puppy’s focus when you are puppy training. When your puppy successfully starts to follow you, you’ve established a clear communication that you want your puppy to focus on you and not all of the other things happening around at home. Plus, it’s working on your pup’s desire to engage in something fun while learning at the same time! From here, this is a great opportunity to start introducing your puppy’s name and the obedience command “Come” into their skill set! More to come on that soon!

Use Clear “Marker” Words

If this is your first time hearing the term “marker” words, they are words puppy trainers use to indicate a certain desired behavior. We use “Good” when we want them to keep doing what they’re doing, “No” or “Nope” when we don’t agree with the behavior or choice the puppy is making, and “Break” as their release word, which means to stop doing or holding a command.

If you've heard of "clicker training" this is a similar concept, only we use a marker word instead of holding a separate device that makes a clicking sound when pressed to “mark” the command.

To use marker words while puppy training, introduce the marker “Good!” in combination with a command when your puppy completes the desired behavior you're asking of them. For example, if you asked your puppy to “Sit” and they did, reinforce the correct behavior with “Good!” The rationale behind this is to help develop an association with your puppy that they are doing the right thing and should continue to do so! For much younger puppies that are totally new to puppy training, you’ll want to reward the marker words until they begin to create the association. And it all depends on your puppy, how quickly they catch on to their commands when you can start to wean off and then eliminate rewarding each marker.

If your puppy does the wrong command, for example, starts to “Come” while supposed to be in “Stay”, simply say "Nope" followed with the desired command you want to help guide them. Don't forget to mark that with a "Good" and a reward! We always want to follow up with something positive.

“Break” is the final marker to use while training to release your puppy after a command is complete. What it does is tell your puppy that they no longer need to hold the command and can essentially relax! In the beginning, you’ll need to add value to “Break” and teach them what it means by giving your puppy a reward each time until eventually, you can begin to wean them away from rewards. Later on, as your puppy matures and as you build on your puppy’s duration, your puppy will learn to hold their commands for longer and longer chunks of time until they hear you say the release “Break”! 

Teach Them Their Name and Introduce the “Come” Command!

One of the very first things to teach your puppy is their name! It’s super important that your puppy learns to respond to their name early on to help gain their attention when you need and respond to commands. With the luring technique, you can start teaching your puppy to follow you when you call their name by taking a piece of their food in your hand, bringing it to their nose then taking a step back and calling out their name as they follow you.

Keep your puppy on a leash during this exercise so they don’t run off if something catches their attention. And if your puppy doesn’t get it right away, instead of pulling them toward you, just reset and repeat the same luring technique! Hint: This is also a great opportunity to introduce the “Come” command once your puppy has learned their name! If you want to learn more about effectively teaching your puppy their name and getting them to respond to it every time, read up on our tips in, “Play the Name Game: How to Teach Your Puppy Their Name!” blog!

The Puppy Academy student: Mia!

Teach Calm Thresholds and Impulse Control!

Puppies have a natural curious drive and can get excited at the endless possibilities available with an open door in front of them! But bolting through doorways isn’t a good or safe habit to allow your puppy to develop. The best way to manage this is establishing calm thresholds, starting with your puppy’s crate (or as we call it, “House”).

Start by creating moments where your puppy needs to wait in order to exit their crate. If your puppy tries to step out of their crate without you asking them to “Come”, use the crate door and just lightly close it again so your puppy can’t continue forward. You might need to repeat this a few times until your puppy realizes maybe they should just check in with you and wait. As your puppy progresses with this exercise, you’re helping them build impulse control and lay the groundwork for them learning to apply it in other situations. 

Impulse control training can also be applied to feeding time, especially for those excitable puppies jumping up for their bowls! In this scenario, you can use your puppy’s crate to help teach your puppy to wait for their food and water bowls. By applying the same technique as calm thresholds, with your puppy in their crate, lightly close the crate door if they start to take a step forward for their bowls. Doing so, you’re creating that moment of pause and teaching your puppy that the desired behavior is calm and patience instead of excitement and jumping. Their reward for doing this, of course, if getting to eat their meal! 

Establish Eye Contact with Your Puppy

Communication with your puppy will no just depend on your verbal cues, but teaching them to check in with you regularly. Creating the habit of gaining eye contact with your pup helps keep them looking to you as their leader for their next command!

At first, you’ll probably need to lure your puppy’s gaze up to your eyes with a piece of their food. Start to do this during a training session by luring your puppy to look up at you (raise the food up to your eyes) and marking it with a “Good”! Then you can start adding in commands to follow the eye contact. This will really help as your puppy progresses with their basic obedience training and take on more challenging commands and routines as they grow!

Introducing training to your puppy can feel like a daunting task, but by beginning with just these few basics: luring, marker words, name recognition, “Come”, thresholds, impulse control and eye contact, you’re creating the best foundation to build the rest of your puppy’s training on!

Get more step-by-step plus 1-on-1 help with this with The Puppy Academy Online School!

Even if you have started already some training, incorporate these activities into your training sessions and you will see how much more engaged, eager, and responsive your pup becomes. And make sure to keep following us along each week for more Puppy Training 101!

Have more questions about training your new puppy? Ask our trainers LIVE every Wednesday at 1 pm PT on our Instagram @thepuppyacademy and TikTok @thepuppyacademy during the Ask A Puppy Trainer Show! All replays are posted afterward, and you can catch up on our last ones on our YouTube channel!

Become a Puppy Academy VIP (Very Important Puppy) to get our latest puppy training tips direct to your inbox, for free, each week!

Check out These Blogs Related to Puppy Training and More!

Puppy Training 101: How to Establish Leadership with Your Puppy!

Why Puppy Training is so Important!

Help! How Do I Get My Puppy to Sleep through the Night?!”